Northeast Consulting Group Reviews the Natural Laws of the Mind
Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. is a privately owned firm that specializes in direct marketing, brand building, public relations, and consulting for Fairfield County.
Within Northeast Consulting Group we focus a lot of the development of our employees in a professional setting. In general, the place that people need the most development is in the area of mental toughness. Successful leaders, business people, and athletes all agree that the the mind is the most powerful force that determines an individuals success. So, in preparation for one of our morning meetings, we came across this article, What are the Natural Laws of the Mind, by Laura King.
Law #1: What You Think is What You Get
- Any image placed into the subconscious mind develops into reality with absolute accuracy. A single thought will never make nor break our life; but a habit of thought will. You cannot think defeat and be victorious. When you change your thoughts, you change your mind.
**Your day is determined by your actions. If you "wake up on the wrong side of the bed" you'll have a bad day. Putting positive thoughts into your day and into your life will translate into positive results. If you envision a successful, productive, and positive day, that's what you'll have.**
Law #2: Every Thought Causes a Physical Reaction
- Your thoughts affect all of the functions of your body. Our personal body chemistry is guided and triggered by our emotions. However, thought leads the emotions. you can make yourself sick, poor, and unhappy by your habitual thinking. People do not realize that it is a law that you become what you dwell upon.
**Are you excited about your day? Smile, people can hear it even if they can't see you. Show people you truly care about what you're doing, what you're saying. If you will something to be it will be.**
Law #3: Imagination is More Powerful than Knowledge
- Images are the property of the subconscious mind. Those images will always overpower what you think. In fact, an idea accompanied by a strong emotion usually cannot be modified through the use of their reason. However, by subconscious re-programming, one can easily and effortlessly remove, alter, or amend any old idea.
**Envision your goals. Be specific in picturing what you want in life. Print out pictures, write out your goals, the power of visualization is key to achieving your goals in life.**
Law #4: Your Habits are Your Life
- Life is full of habits. Habits are a series of actions that become more or less automatic. 98% of what we do, we do by habit, spontaneously. Each separate act, good or bad, plays a part in making you what you are. it is never too late to change our habits. Remember that success is a habit and failure is a habit. Repetition forms positive habits and negative ones.
**Make being successful a habit. The only time you fail is when you give up. Constantly giving up on your goals and ambitions creates the habit of failure. But, changing your approach and continuing to try forms a habit of determination which ultimately will lead to creating the habit of success. Focus on making all your actions positive ones and forming successful habits.**
Law #5: Don't Breed Negative Thoughts
- As you probably have learned though experience, the more attention and power you give to your fears, the more they affect you and the more likely they are to manifest themselves.
**If you're afraid of the dark, you'll always start to hear strange noises or see manifest shadows that will scare you when trying to go to sleep. If you thing negatively about your day, "Today is going to be a bad day." More than likely, you'll end up having a bad day.**
Law #6: Attitude is a Matter of Choice
- An attitude is the way that you look at life. Attitude affects the body and how the body performs. Fortunately, we all have the innate ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances. The events that occur in our lives are purely neutral. They are not positive until we have decided that they are, and they are not negative until we decide they are.
**It all goes back to creating habits. Having a positive, optimistic outlook on life is a choice. If you choose to do it everyday, eventually it will become a habit. Thus, improving all aspects of your life.**
Law #7: Reactions Must Be Managed
- The law is the outcome to the previous one. Just as you can manage your attitude, you can manage your reaction to things. What happens in your life is purely neutral, but how you react to what happens is not, it can affect your performance, your mood, and your overall well being.
**Everyone is dealt a set of cards for their life, it's how you play that hand that matters. It's about viewing every situation in a way that is only going to benefit you and your life moving forward and not succumbing to the negative feelings that could be associated with an event.**
Law #8: Thoughts Must Be Kept Alive
- No thought is self-sustaining in the mind -- it must be nurtured, fed, and kept alive. The conscious mind recognizes an idea as true, correct, and guiding. An idea, one accepted, tends to remain until it is replaced by another idea or until it is forgotten. Once an idea has been accepted, there is obstruction to replacing it with a new idea. The longer an idea remains, the more it tends to become a fixed habit of thinking. This is how habits are formed, both good and bad - first the thought, then the action. Therefore, if we wish to change our actions, we must begin by changing our thoughts.
**Your actions speak louder than your words. It's one thing to say that you're going to do something, it's another to actually take action and do it. Plant the right seeds in your mind and nurture them into the right habits and actions that you want to portray to the people around you.**
Law #9: Attitude of Gratitude
- One of the laws of the universe is what you put forth comes back to you and usually when it does, it has gained mass and momentum. In other words, what goes around comes around. Therefore, if you develop an attitude of gratitude, and you look at your life in terms of all you have to be grateful for, focusing on positive things, then more positive things will be attracted to you.
**This one is simple, Karma. Instead of focusing on what others have, or negativity, focus on what you have and find the positive. If you put out positive energy, that is what you will receive in return.**
This article just makes sense. It's about toughening up your mind and training your thoughts to focus on the right things. Negativity will consume someone and ultimately lead to unhappiness. The most successful people in any given field have mastered this concept. This is one of the biggest areas areas that Northeast Consulting Group wants to help it's employees develop in. A strong mind, translates into a strong person, which translates into a successful person.
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