Wednesday, December 9, 2015

NCG, Inc Reviews: 6 Things To Do When You Lack Discipline!

NCG, Inc Reviews: 6 Things To Do When You Lack Discipline!

There's an amazing quote that most of us have heard, "The distance between your dreams and reality is called discipline." Simple, right? But what happens if you lack that discipline? If you look at it differently and understand that discipline comes from creating new habits and putting an end to your old habits, it can change your focus. We're all human, we make mistakes. Instead of beating ourselves up about it, we need to understand that things happen. The path to success in any task is never a straight line, it's full of twists, turns, ups and downs. So, when working towards your goals remember that! But, in the mean time, here are 6 small things you can do when your discipline falters.

You aren't perfect. No one is. Beating yourself up will only make things worse. Take a deep breath, forgive yourself and let it go. Then, move on.

2. Realize that discipline is an illusion.
Discipline is a common concept, but it doesn't really exist. Discipline is usually just forcing yourself to do something you don't want to do, there is no skill required. But, what is required, is motivation. Without motivation, you won't be forcing yourself to do anything. That's what's real, that's the key.

3. Focus on Motivation.
What's your motivation for pursuing a goal or habit? How will you sustain that motivation when you struggle? Write down your motivation to want to do something. Commit publicly. When things get tough, remind yourself of that motivation and focus on it. It will pull you along. Focusing on what motivates you to achieve a goal is more powerful than discipline.

4. Make it easy. 
Discipline is tough because the new task or habit you're trying to achieve is tough. Instead of worrying about how hard it's going to be, find ways to make it easy. Start by creating habits. If your goal is to get in shape and you haven't exercised in 5 years, exercising is going to be tough. Instead of jumping into spending an hour a day exercising, start with 5 min a day and work from there. Start creating the good habit and build from it. Apply that concept to whatever it is that you're trying to accomplish through discipline. 

5. Focus on enjoyment. 
It's hard to push yourself to have discipline when you hate doing something, so find something enjoyable about doing the activity and focus on that. It will take your thoughts away from the negative and push them to the positive. 

6. Repeat.
Inevitably, you're going to slip up one time or another in your path to change. People over react to failure and see it as lack of discipline. Messing up is just like hitting a bump in the road, just move past it and start again. 

NCG, Inc is a privately owned marketing company. We specialize in client relations and brand building. We offer our people a predictable career path that leads to an opportunity in management. To learn more about the career opportunities available within our company, please visit our website and see our careers page!

Monday, December 7, 2015

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 6 Personal Habits That Can Hurt Your Business!

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 6 Personal Habits That Can Hurt Your Business!

Is your business or team not producing and growing the way you had hoped? Worry that it might be you? Check out this great article from that goes through the 6 personal habits that you might have that could be hurting your business!

1. Burning the candle at both ends.
A “fuzzy mind” will take THREE TIMES AS LONG to complete a task than a clear one. Get a good nights sleep and make time for your body to rest and recuperate. Go out with your friends for a night, go to a sporting event or a concert, or even designate a friend to get you out of town the weekend once a month if you won’t do it yourself. No matter what the scenario, make sure that you take time for you. Remember, rest and recuperate!

2. Being an office chair potato.
As important as sleep is, so is exercise. Sitting in a chair for 14 hours a day is not good for your health or your waistline. Take time out of your day to run, jog, or spend an hour at the gym. Even better than that, spend a day with your people. They’ll appreciate it and it will give you an opportunity to get on your feet and move around!

3. Stressing over personal finances.
If your mind is cluttered with worry about how you’re going to pay your mortgage, start a family, or send your child to college then you won’t be able to be productive for your business or team. Hire a financial advisor or someone that can help you manage your money properly and help you prepare for your future. Most importantly they’ll help you get rid of your worry. If your people see you stressed out about your personal finances, how can they feel confident working with you and the company?

4. Not getting along with your family.
If you’re fighting with your significant other and it leaves you feeling mentally drained, then it’s very likely that you’re behaving unreasonably towards your employees. Take steps to repair poor personal relationships. It will make you happier, your team will be happier and help you’ll build better relationships with your team.

News flash! The whole world does not need to sit on your shoulders. It will keep revolving without your help. Start delegating tasks to your team members and employees. They’ll be excited to learn something new and you’ll be able to attend to the important projects and tasks that require your attention instead of wasting your time and energy on something that could easily be completed by another member of your team.

6. Engaging in irritating behavior.
These things include: showing up late for a meeting or conference, not adhering to the dress code that you require for your employees, failing to make eye contact, using too much business jargon, always going for the hard sell, typing or chewing gum while you’re on the phone, etc. Recognizing your personal habits and how they are affecting your work is a major step towards creating a successful business. Change won’t happen overnight, but focusing on small but consistent improvements over time will work wonders!

NCG, Inc. is a privately owned marketing company. We specialize in client relations and brand building. We offer a Management Training Program that provides a predictable career-path with options to advance into management positions. To learn more about the career opportunities that we have, please visit our website: and see our careers page!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

NCG, Inc Reviews: 5 Tough Decisions That Set The Best Leaders Apart!

NCG, Inc Reviews: 5 Tough Decisions That Set The Best Leaders Apart!

NCG, Inc is a privately owned marketing company. We specialize in client relations and brand building. The people that we have working in our company are provided with a predictable career path that leads to an opportunity in management. A big part of the development process within the company is centered around Leadership Development. We're looking to train and mentor our people into Management to assist with the growth goals that NCG, Inc. has for the future. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

NCG, Inc Reviews: 7 Ways To Improve Attitude!

NCG, Inc Reviews:

7 Ways to Improve Your Attitude!

NCG, Inc is a privately owned marketing and sales company. We offer a management development program for our people that provides an opportunity to advance within their company and manage an additional expansion market. Our focus is not just giving our people the business skills that they would need, but also on helping them develop personally. Sometimes people can have the exact same set of skills, but some or more successful than others. This is usually because of their mentality, attitude, and ability to handle failure. So, we take pride in making sure our people aren't just learning how to be effective in business, but gaining the skills to help them succeed in other areas of their lives as well.

 We all know that having a positive attitude is extremely important. But, did you know that attitude LITERALLY = 100? If you assign numerical values to each letter based on their place in the alphabet you come up with this: A T T I T U D E -- 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100. Check the math if you doubt this equation.
If attitude is so important, then why do we lose it? Why do we allow ourselves to "wake up on the wrong side o the bed" or to "have a bad day" or to "play the victim?" It just doesn't make sense. Now, having and maintaining a positive attitude isn't always as "easy" as it sounds. So, we did a little research to find some tips to help improve your attitude and learn to not "lose it."

1. Remember, YOU ARE IN CONTROL.
This is probably the most important bit of coaching that anyone can receive about improving their attitude. You, and only you, are in control of your attitude. with proper mental preparation and training, you are able to change your attitude, permanently. Start adopting the mindset that, "Life isn't about what happens to you, it's about how you handle it."
2. Realize just HOW IMPORTANT attitude really is.
I'm sure anyone reading this can think of that one friend they have with the "bad attitude." The person who has a pattern of self inflicted and self imposed negative rules that make their life far harder than it really needs to be. Bad attitudes can derail everything in your life, your relationships, and your future. The first step is realizing it. If you don't think there is a problem, you can't change it. So, the first step is to be honest with yourself and be cognitive to your reactions and thoughts about certain things. If you see a negative trend, start training your mind to think of things differently. You can miss out on career opportunities, love, and happiness because you weren't in the right frame of mind. 
3. Don't give in.
Never let go of your dreams and goals because you doubt yourself. They're your dreams and goals for a reason. Start believing that you DESERVE to have everything you want. You're smart and talented enough to achieve your goals. Don't let doubt and negativity fill your head. There are always going to be roadblocks, problems, and fear. Don't let them consume you. Focus on the solutions rather than the problems. Think about yourself as if you're trying to swim across the English Channel. You will get tired, you might even start to sink a little, but you always find a way to kick yourself back up to the top, float a little bit and re-evaluate your plan, take a big gulp of air, and finish your journey.
4. Reflect, Learn, Repeat.
Sounds easy, right? Whenever life throws you a curveball, remember these steps. Assess and reflect your situation, find something positive to take away from it, and move on. Learn from your past problems and make changes to prevent them from reoccurring in the future. If you don't reflect and learn, you'll walk away from that situation feeling discouraged and complaining instead of dealing with it and taking control of your life through positive actions and changes.
5. Do Not Fear.
Be fearless in your quest for a better attitude and don't settle for anything less than perfection. This bold outlook will keep you heading in the right direction when trouble surfaces. Don't let fear dictate your actions, instead charge ahead and don't be afraid to be bold. If you want to change your attitude, then you're looking for change in your life. Assert yourself and take steps forward to help you reach greatness. Negativity will zap your productivity and energy. All it does is hinder you from becoming the best version of yourself.
6. Believe in YOU.
Don't let a bad attitude turn into self-doubt. When you have trouble believing in yourself, it's going to be extremely difficult to change your attitude. Be your own biggest fan. Every morning, after you've brushed your teeth and are looking at yourself in the mirror. Tell yourself that you're awesome, give yourself a high-five. BE YOUR OWN BIGGEST FAN. How you feel about yourself changes the way you feel about others, which changes the way they feel about you. When others believe in you, it's easier to put a positive spin on any obstacle that may occur.
7. Slow Down.
If you start to feel those negative feelings squeezing their way into your head, slow it down. Realize that those thoughts don't help. Negative thoughts can become angry words, which turn into actions, which turn into habits, and eventually evolve into your character. Take a second before you speak or act and consider if you're about to say or do something that will have a positive impact or change. If it doesn't, take a second and refocus. You attitude will begin to change for the better.

To learn more about the career opportunities available at NCG, Inc please visit our website and see our careers page!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

NCG, Inc Reviews: Introverts and Extroverts

NCG, Inc Reviews: Introverts vs. Extroverts

We all know that there are two very distinct traits that people tend to have. There are people who are very friendly, loud, outgoing, and aren't afraid to speak their minds. We call those people extroverts. Then, you have people who you have to get to know better before they're friendly, they're more on the quite side, and would prefer listening rather than speaking. We call these people introverts. In most industries where you're looking for client facing employees, extroverts tend be the better candidates, right? But, what if both are just as good. Check out these 7 reasons why introverts can be just as successful in client facing roles as extroverts!

1. Introverts learn the risks.
Introverts tend to try to understand everything before they make a move. This is not always a bad thing. Seeking to understand before making a move can be a beneficial trait for employees to have within a company. It may take slightly longer for them to finish an analysis or come up with a business projection, but you can bet money that whatever they come up with, is probably a very accurate assessment of risks and benefits involved with making a decision. 

2. Teach yourself to ignore the misconceptions.
People think that just because someone is an introvert or anti-social. But, this just simply isn't always the case. Introverts just prefer more focused socialization. They thrive in one-on-one and small group settings. Introverts also tend to be seen as "less powerful" because they speak softly. But, studies show that a majority of individuals with personality traits that would label them an introvert actually have higher levels of determination, concentration, critical thinking, and problem solving skills than most extroverts do.

3. Give them opportunities to practice.
Public speaking is not a huge strength of introverts. However, studies show that if you give introverts the attention and time to practice before public speaking, that they are extremely effective. They usually are able to convey very detailed, well thought out, and easy to understand information that appeals to any audience.

4. Introverts have strong sales skills.
There's an old adage that says, "We all have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason, use them to that proportion." Introverts are exceptional listeners, this means that they are able to find out and understand what their sales prospects really need. This simple strength gives them an edge other people within the sales industry who talk more than listen. 

5. Introverts know how to be self sufficient.
They don't need someone to constantly motivate them, monitor them, or tell them what to do. Introverts tend to be very self-motivated and possess the ability to work well without direct supervision. These are valuable people to have within any organization, they help free up a Managers time so they can focus on more important matters than micromanaging their people. 

6. Tunnel vision. Introverts are motivated to work toward goals.
What manager wouldn't want someone who is goal oriented to work in their company? Introverts are critical thinkers. If you give them a goal, challenge, or complex task, they will exhaust every resource necessary to achieve it. They won't need you to send them daily motivational emails, texts, or have a "pep" talk with them. They'll just do it. Just having the assignment presented to them is all they need. 

7. Business owners should be inspired by Introverted leaders. 
Some of the most successful leaders in history were considered quit, soft spoken, and shy at first. Ghandi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Bill Gates, etc. Do some research on influential leaders and read up on what their peers said about them. You'll be surprised at the number of them we would consider introverts. 

NCG, Inc is a privately owned marketing and sales company. We specialize in client relations and brand building. So, our job is to help the companies that we work with grow. We're looking for candidates that we can cross train within different facets of business with the intention of promoting them into a management position to oversee an additional market for our clients! To learn more about the career opportunities available within NCG, Inc please visit our website, and see our careers page!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

NCG, Inc Reviews: Helping Your Employees Speak Up!

NCG, Inc Reviews: Helping Your Employees Speak Up!

Between growing up, going through schooling, and previous work experience, most of us have learned that speaking your mind in the work place is not always the best idea. It can make it seem like you're working against the team or that you have trouble falling in line. But, new and fresh ideas are what help a business grow, right? The most successful organizations have open lines of communication where management, employees, and owners are all on the same page. But, how do we get that if we've lived in a society where speaking up and voicing your opinion is can be considered something to be frowned upon?

It starts with building strong enough relationships with your people, teaching them how to introduce positive ideas, and encouraging a workplace environment where it's safe to share your ideas. 

Easier said than done. Below are some tips outlined from Inc. that can help you open the lines of communication in your business and create a safe environment for your people to voice their opinions and help your company grow!

1. Empower less powerful parties to speak up -- even in high-pressure situations.
This comes from setting proper expectations with your people. Give them the knowledge of what is going on and the systems and structures that your company uses. Incorporate checklists that outline specific steps to complete tasks. If a step is missed, empower your employees to speak up regardless of their position. This will only work if you don't reprimand your people for pointing out a mistake. For example, if you're on a tight time schedule and assign one of your team members to be a  "time keeper," if time is up and you're not done, you cannot reprimand them for interrupting you and letting you know, you have to stop what you're doing and thank your time keeper for helping your keep your schedule in check. The power of positive reinforcement is key if you want to begin to open the lines of communication within your business.

2. Consider how names and titles influence feelings.
Think about the differences you feel when you're having an unnamed conversation with someone at work versus a "quarterly evaluation" or an "interview" or an "annual review." Those simple titles will change someone's mood and approach towards talking. So, if you want to have meetings or one on one talks with your employees, give them titles and use adjectives. If you just say, "We will be having a meeting," people may feel too scared to speak up. But, if you say something such as, "We will be having an informal meeting review our last quarters performance," people will feel more comfortable to put their ideas out there which will ultimately change the work environment for the better and help brainstorm ideas for increased performance in the future.

3. Showcase your needs and frailties.
Let your employees know that you have strengths and weaknesses too. It will make you more approachable. This doesn't mean that your employees should see you as "weak," but they should see you as human, humans have weaknesses. For example, if your strong suit isn't Microsoft Excel, talk to one of your people who you know is great using that system. Ask their opinions on what you're doing as well as their feedback. This will make you seem more approachable and also help your people feel more empowered because you're seeking advice from them verses them seeking it out from you.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

NCG, Inc Reviews 11 Reasons You're Scared Of Big Ambitious Goals!

NCG, Inc Reviews: 11 Reasons You're Scared Of Big Ambitious Goals!

NCG, Inc is a privately owned marketing company. We specialize in client relations and brand building. Our job is to help the companies that we work with grow by creating strong relationships with their customer base. For our people, we offer a merit based advancement program that can lead to an opportunity in Management. With the career advancement opportunities that are available within NCG, Inc, it's important for our people to have enough confidence in themselves and their abilities to set big goals that will challenge them. Here at NCG, Inc we do as much as possible to inspire this confidence in our people through meetings, training sessions, conferences, and hands on training. But, you can only do so much, confidence and belief comes from within. So, when we found this article about the main reasons that people are afraid to set big goals, we thought it would be worth our time to run one of our mornings meetings on the topic.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

NCG, Inc Reviews: 8 Effective Listening & Communication Principles for Success!

NCG, Inc Reviews: 8 Effective Listening & Communication Practices for Success!

Non-verbal communication is just as important as verbal communication. Most people tend to overlook that. NCG, Inc is committed to helping our people develop both personally and professionally. So, we focus a lot of our morning meetings around gaining the skills necessary for people to improve their personal selves which in turn helps someone succeed in a professional setting as well. So, when NCG, Inc found this article about effective listening and communication practices, we couldn't wait to share it with our people and then pass along the information to you all as well!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

NCG, Inc. Reviews: The Natural Laws Of The Mind!

NCG, Inc Reviews: The Natural Laws Of The Mind!

NCG, Inc is a privately owned marketing firm. We specialize in client relations and brand building. Our job is to help the companies that we work with grow and expand. Within or company, we provide our people with a predictable career-path to advance into a Management position. With the goals we have for growth, it's important to us to help our people develop personally and professionally. So, when we heard this topic covered on one of our weekly development calls, we wanted to share it with our people and all of you!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

NCG, Inc. Reviews: What To Do NOW, To Be Successful In 2020!

NCG, Inc.

We're all about developing good habits now that will help you out later in life whether it is personally or professionally. So, we thought that sharing this article with the people at NCG, Inc. today while we're working on Vision Boards would be a great tool!

Friday, March 13, 2015

NCG, Inc Reviews: Goals vs Outcomes!

Northeast Consulting Group (NCG), Inc.

 Goals VS Outcomes

NCG, Inc. is a privately owned marketing company. What we specialize in is client relations and brand building. Our job is to help the companies that we work with grow and expand through their target markets. For our clients, we provide a unique approach to help them reach their customer base. For our people, we provide a development program that gives real-world work experience and a predictable career path that leads towards management.

Goals are an essential part of someone’s success in life and in business. But, most of us are confusing goals with outcomes and this can be detrimental. So, when we found this article on under30CEO we decided to share it with our people and all of you!