Tuesday, September 30, 2014

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 3 Ways To Help Your Team Be More Productive!

3 Ways To Help Your Team Be More Productive!

It's true, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. So, why are some people so much more productive in that time than others? Surprisingly, a big reason why is because of multitasking. Too many tasks can lead a team to the edge of a burn out and that will severely lower performance. Studies have shown that our brains can be capable of incredibly rapid changes of focus, but cannon fully focus on two or more different tasks simultaneously. Each task receives some attention, but the more tasks that are added to the mix, the more diluted the focus becomes. Whether anyone notices or not, this results in some tasks having less than desired outcomes. For example, if you're trying to send an email while talking on the phone, you're brain will choose a task that is seemingly more important. Often times this results in our email text becoming what we're saying on the phone. So, what can we do to help our people be more productive without feeling the need to multitask?

1. Help Employees Prioritize.
  • If all their tasks are marked "urgent" then nothing is. Help them by teaching them to create a task list and order it starting with the most important and urgent task that needs to be completed today to the least urgent task that needs to be completed today.
2. Encourage Them To Concentrate Fully On One Task.
  • The more difficult the task, the more important the concentration. If someone puts all of their effort and attention into what they're doing, they'll have better results. Not only will they finish the task faster, but the quality of their work will increase. If you're going to do something, do it once, do it right, and do it well. 
3. When It's Time To Switch Tasks, SWITCH.
  • Teach your employees that when it's time to do something new, it's time to do something new. Put away the previous work to avoid distraction and diluted concentration. Dr. Winchester from M*A*S*H said, "I do one thing at a time, I do it very well, and then I move on." Focus and concentration are imperative for a superior performance. A job is either going to be well done, or poorly done, and doing things right and doing them once will ensure that you and your team don't end up burnt out.

NCG, Inc. is a privately owned marketing company that specializes in client relations and brand building. Our job, is to help the companies that we work with continue to grow and expand throughout their target markets. For our people, we're committed to providing full development that will benefit our people inside and outside of work and help them develop. For more information about the career opportunities available within our company, please visit our website at: www.ncg-corp.com/

Thursday, September 25, 2014

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 18 Things Mentally Strong People Do!

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 18 Things Mentally Strong People Do!

NCG, Inc believes that the difference between the average and above average person comes from their level of mental toughness. Life, work, careers.. they all have their struggles. What determines someone's path is how they are able to handle those struggles. Mental Toughness is not always something that people are born with, it's a learned skill and a habit that people can train themselves to do. So, we decided to go through the 18 Things Mentally Strong People Do with the office today!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 4 Steps To Getting What You Want Most!

NCG, Inc. Reviews:

4 Steps To Getting What You Want!
1. You Are Drawn To What You Look At The Most
If you dig down deep into your innermost thoughts, you'll discover the thing that you concentrate on the most is the same thing that is drawing your conscious mind. There's a reason for the desires welling up inside of you. Don't shy away from the fantasies that you hide from the world. Don't dismiss those dreams. WRITE THEM DOWN, meditate on them, and start configuring an action plan.

2. What You Concentrate On Grows
If you focus solely on problems, pain will expand in your mind and your emotions. These barriers will become an unconquerable giant. However, if you concentrate on a goal, your mind can give you the chance to soar above the obstacles and reach your goal. If you focus on the things that can hinder you from reaching your goals and aspirations, you'll never achieve them.

3. Concentrate On Something And You Will Become Like It
You will take on a form of whatever you behold. You will adopt the attributes of your focus. Dwell on the negative and you will become negative. Dwell on the positive and you will become positive. Sounds simple right? Your thoughts determine your decisions, your decisions determine your actions, and your actions determine your success.

4. You Will Have What You Concentrate On
This explains the power of advertising. Why do you think companies spend millions of dollars placing images mixed with emotionally charged music before the public eye if it would have no effect on their decision making? When you concentrate on something strongly enough and couple it with emotional desire, your mind will do everything possible to bring that into your life. This means you must be careful to focus on the right things or else you may wind up getting thing that aren't helpful.

NCG, Inc. is a privately owned marketing company. We specialize in client relations and brand building. Our job is to help the clients that we work with continue to grow and expand throughout their target markets. Within our company, we pride ourselves on providing an environment that fosters growth and development for our people. To learn more about the career opportunities available within NCG, Inc. please visit our website at www.ncg-corp.com/

Friday, September 19, 2014

NCG, Inc Reviews: The Biggest Reasons People Fail

The Biggest Reasons People Fail

Henry Ford said, "Whether you believe you can, or you believe you can't, you're right."

The biggest reasons that we find ourselves not succeeding in things is because we never try and if we do try, when things get hard, we give up. It's human nature to want to choose the path of least resistance. But, will that path ultimately lead us to where we want to go in life? Usually not, there's some truth to the old adage, "Nothing worth having ever comes easy."

When you decide to make a change in your life, step up in your career, it's normal to feel a lot of resistance and start to feel stuck. As frustrating as that can be, it's usually a sign of you being on the verge of a break through. This is the ideal time to get coaching from others and to KEEP GOING! If you're experiencing this right now in your career, you're on the right path.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 5 Ways To Be A Happy & Healthy Entrepreneur!

5 Ways To Be A Happy & Healthy Entrepreneur!

NCG, Inc. is a privately owned marketing company. We specialize in client relations and brand building for our clients. Our job is to help the clients that we work with grow and expand. What this does for our people is provide them with an opportunity to advance within our company and move into a management position. We're committed to giving our people development that will help them grow not only in the workplace but in life as well. So, when we saw this article about finding a happy medium with a work-life balance to be successful we thought it would be very important to share it with our people.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 5 Ways To Set Yourself Up For A Stellar Work Day!

5 Ways To Set Yourself Up For A Stellar Work Day!

If you want to be more productive at work, you have to make every moment count at home. Many entrepreneurs talk about having a work-life balance, but very few people actually make it a habit. Here are the 5 best ways to live your best life and set yourself up for a PERFECT work day!


If you work long hours, it can be difficult to schedule everything you need to do outside of work into those few hours that you have in the evening. There’s dinner, house chores, errands to run, etc. The lowest priority on that list sometimes is getting to bed at a reasonable time. Those who are sleep deprived often become impatient, are less productive, have lapses in memory, difficulty concentrating, experience mood swings, and are constantly fatigued. Make sleep a priority and develop a nightly ritual. Try to go to bed at the same time and prepare your brain for sleep. Dim the lights, make bedroom cooler, and dim the light on your cell phone screen. When you get a solid nights rest, you’ll wake up more refreshed and enthusiastic. You’ll have a better sense of overall well being which will increase your productivity and success in the workplace.


The benefits of regular exercise can’t be stressed enough. People who exercise a few days a week have stronger immune systems. They’ll miss less days of work and have more energy. Their bodies are more equipped to manage stress and have a more positive attitude. You don’t have to become an Olympian to benefit from exercise. Find something that fits your schedule and lifestyle. If you don’t have enough time to get to the gym, even taking a short walk after dinner to escape the stress from your day will do the trick.


The fear of failure is the most potent emotion, especially from entrepreneurs. Constant anxiety can become too much to handle. When you are facing new challenges, take a deep breath and relax your mind. Instead of becoming overwhelmed with the thoughts of what can go wrong, approach your challenges head on. If you can’t get over a particular fear, write it down and come up with the worse case scenario. If you put your thoughts on paper you’ll relieve your mind of the worry. More often than not, your worst fear becomes less scary when you actually articulate it and give yourself an opportunity to calmly think it through.


A positive outlook on life starts with a feeling of gratitude. Take a moment each day to reflect on things that you’re thankful for. What brings you joy? That can be your business, your family, friends, health, or relationships. You can be grateful for small luxuries that you probably take for granted as well. Things like a fridge full of food, clean water, and a comfortable bed to sleep in each night. At work, don’t compare yourself to others. Instead, focus on your self improvement. Jealousy and frustration can surface when you compare someone else’s highlight reel to your behind the scenes footage. If you want a happy life, don’t measure success as an individual by the gauge of wealth and status. When something goes wrong, review your “gratitude list” to remind yourself of everything that has gone right. Focus on the best parts of your life and let go of the small stuff.


Each morning, set out to do one nice thing for someone else. When you give freely, you focus on what you can do for others and invite good things into your life. Though generosity is traditionally considered to be given through gifts or monetary donations, sometimes the best generosity can be a simple gesture. Smile at a stranger, give a friend a call, or publicly recognize an employee for their dedication and hard work. Your authenticity and mindfulness will be contagious. Soon you’ll begin to recap what you sow and good things will come your way.

NCG, Inc. firmly believes in these ideals for our people. It is just as important to us that they are developing as a person outside of work as it is to see someone develop within our company. At the end of the day, if someone is happy in their personal life, their professional life flourishes. To learn more about the career opportunities available within NCG, Inc. please visit our website: www.ncg-corp.com

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 10 Quotes You Should Memorize If You're In Sales!

10 Quotes You Should Memorize If You're In Sales!

  1. "Begin by always expecting good things to happen." -- Tom Hopkins
  2. "For every sale you miss because you're too enthusiastic, you'll miss a hundred because you're not enthusiastic enough." -- Zig Ziglar
  3. "All things being equal , people will do business with, and refer business to those people they know, like, and trust." -- Bob Burg
  4. "Treat objections as requests for further information." -- Brian Tracy
  5. "The best way to sell yourself to others is to first sell the others to yourself." -- Napoleon Hill
  6. "Ninety percent of selling is conviction and 10 percent is persuasion." -- Shiv Khera
  7. "Obstacles are necessary for success because in selling, as in all careers of importance, victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats." -- Og Mandino
  8. "One of the best predictors of ultimate success isn't natural talent or even industry expertise, but how you explain your failures and rejections." -- Daniel Pink
  9. "If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will." -- Bob Hooey
  10. "To build a long-term, successful enterprise, when you don't close a sale, open a relationship." --Patricia Fripp

Thursday, September 4, 2014

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 8 Uncommon Skills Managers Should Master!

8 Uncommon Skills Managers Should Master

Just as times change, technology advances, and generations evolve with different mindsets and points of view, business does as well. While the skills of motivating individuals, encouraging teamwork, and being a great communicator stay the same, the method towards achieving them has changed. Mangers, CEO's, and Leaders all have to adapt to the changing generation of fresh talent entering the work force. 

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. is a privately owned marketing company that specializes in public relations and brand building for our clients. So, our job is to help our clients grow throughout their target markets. To achieve this goal, we offer a Management Development Program that gives our people the opportunity to learn the skills they would have to possess to find success in Management and help expand our company and target additional markets for our clients.

This article we reviewed from www.dilbert.com outlines the 8 Uncommon Skills Managers Should Master to keep up with the times and help achieve greatness in their people.

1. Know when to have fun!
  • Having fun at work doesn't mean Blue Jean Fridays or Happy Hour after work. Large companies like Google, Foursquare, and Facebook lay a special emphasis on having fun at work. Some of this is by having fun office designs like gaming designs and modern decor. If your company doesn't have the budget to do these things, try setting up company events like hiking trips, fantasy football leagues, or even joining a softball or sports team. These will help amp up the fun for your people and intensify the teamwork mentality.

2. Fake Confidence.
  • "People respond well to those that are sure of what they want." -- Anna Wintour
  • There will always be times in management where you will second guess your decisions, your skills or abilities to finish projects, or even your ability to lead a team. On those occasions, just make sure you line up all of your facts and resources and then project an aura of confidence. As the adage goes, "fake it till you make it."

3. Understand different cultures.
  • The world is getting smaller and more connected. If you close yourself out to different perspectives, global cultures, or even various working styles, then you may end up impeding your own growth. Having rigid opinions or a set style of work, you may face resistance from your own team, which ultimately results in loss of productivity.

4. Get competitive.
  • Sometimes you need to lighten up the atmosphere in your office from time to time, it's also your job to nurture a spirit of competition. Not just any competition, but HEALTHY competition. Millennials get bored quicker than any earlier generation. To help combat that, make things more competitive within your office and organization. By keeping things competitive, you can engage your teammates and increase productivity!

5. Diffuse Conflict Quickly.
  • Even healthy competitions can sometimes lead to conflicts. Be proactive and prevent conflicts. A manager should work towards creating camaraderie among their team members. Setting expectations within your team and interacting with them is key. Emphasize transparency and navigate any conflicts quickly and in a fair manner. 

6. Create more managers.
  • People say now that today, everyone is a leader in an organization. Each person leads their own efforts and strives to achieve goals. Each person individually contributes to a collective goal. Nurture leadership in your team by communicating group goals and by giving every individual a sense of how they can contribute. Encourage creative thinking and for your team to ask, "why?" Be weary of your tendency to micromanage and let your team members learn how to manage their time, effort, and experience.

7. Get behind that emoji.
  • While being a good listener is a universal trait that has remained an important skill throughout the ages.  Now, it's more challenging than ever. With remote working, communication becoming virtual, a manager will need to cut through the noise, read between the lines, and listen to the true meaning behind a person's words. Yes, as challenging as it may seem, you actually have to understand the emotion behind an emoji! This is where understanding different cultures comes in handy.

8. Drive technology adoption.
  • There are thousands of apps and versions of software being introduced globally on a daily basis and many of these are great for increasing productivity at work. As a manager you need to stay ahead of technology trends and drive the adoption of technology.

NCG, Inc. specializes in public relations and brand building for our clients. Our job is to help the companies that we work with grow and expand. To learn more about the career opportunities available within our company, please visit our website at: www.ncg-corp.com