Friday, November 28, 2014

NCG, Inc Reviews: 3 Ways To Train Your Brain To Think More Clearly!

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 3 Ways To Train Your Brain To Think More Clearly!

Analytic thinking is the process of remembering words and putting their meanings into context. This process is not simply accessing a mental dictionary. Every time you use words, you re-create their meaning. The words you habitually use when you're thinking (and then expressing those thoughts) mold how you see the world. For example, people who habitually think (and speak and write) the word "hate" tend to find an ever-increasing number of things to hate. The relationship between word usage and perception is hugely important in business. When you train yourself to speak and write using clearly defined words arranged into concise sentences, you're training your brain to think more clearly. When you write and speak more clearly, you increase your positive influence on your team. Clarity is contagious. Conversely, if you habitually use fuzzy, ill-defined words crammed into long and convoluted sentences, you're training your brain, and the brains of your team members, to think less clearly. Confusion is also contagious. 

1. Mentally edit out fuzzy buzzwords.
Most buzzwords are just simply annoying, things like saying "utilize" rather than "use." Some examples of the biggest buzz word offenders are: alignment, best of breed, client-centric, core competency, crystallize, customer-centric, diversity, empowerment, holistic, leading, leverage, generation, paradigm, roust, seamless, stakeholder, sustainability, and synergy.
For example, in physics, synergy describes the creation of a whole that's greater than the arithmetic sum of its parts. So, combining flour, water, yeast, and heat to create a loaf of bread. In business, the term synergy generally pops up when we talk about how organizations are combined, as in a merger, acquisition, or restructuring. However, in business, synergy barely exists
Mentally editing out these fuzzy, vague buzzwords when you're talking, speaking, listening, or reading gradually clears your mind of the confusion that they create, thereby making you smarter.

2. Simplify your business writing.
If you find yourself writing long, complex sentences at work, edit and reedit them so that they express the gist in fewer words. Do this enough times and you'll automatically accustom your brain to shorter, clearer wordings. Simplifying to the fewest number of words doesn't just make your writing crisper, it also habituates your mind to seek the simple essence of needlessly complex concepts. The more often you practice this clarification process the smarter you get.

3. Play the "one syllable" game.
This exercise trains your brain to use smaller, easier to understand words rather than complex ones. The concept is simple. Try to communicate business ideas using words of only one syllable. For example, if you want to explain the directions of this game say something like, "The point of the game is to talk and write with words that are so short that they cannot be split." It's not about talking like this all the time, it's more about the mental effort. It helps you simplify rather than make things more complex.

NCG, Inc is a privately owned marketing company. We specialize in client relations and brand building. A big part of what we do for our clients is to help them grow and expand through their target markets. For our people, we provide the development needed for them to advance from within and move into a management role. To learn more about the career opportunities available within our company please visit our website:

NCG, Inc Reviews: 5 Reasons Why We Need Mentors!

NCG, Inc Reviews: 5 Reasons Why We NEED Mentors!

Northeast Consulting Group knows that there is always room for improvement or new knowledge to gain. As your business grows and matures, so will your team, and so should you. But, if you're a leader, you're probably getting pretty good now at getting your team to grow, providing them with advice and useful tools for their development. But, how do you grow? Growing as a leader is essential to your success and to do that you need to find a mentor. 

1. Having already "walked the walk."
A mentor can provide knowledge based on various business experiences. The best mentors have successfully navigated the same industry as the entrepreneur and can provide insight on the obstacles you'll face. A solid mentor might not automatically have all the answers, but will know the questions to ask or the direction to guide you. They will try to understand where you're coming from and that can make all the difference.

2. Offering a sounding board.
By definition, the best mentors are there to help, which means they have no hidden agendas. Once you build up a strong relationship with such a mentor, you have a rare opportunity to freely seek professional advice, without worrying about conflicts of interest or misplaced trust. Additionally, the mentor can be a neutral party and provide candid feedback on your plans or strategies and help you make your decisions with confidence.

3. Offering networks to leverage.
Even if a mentor can't help you on a certain issue, chances are they'll know someone who can. This persons networks and resources are probably much more extensive than your own and a mentors referral or introduction carries more weight than a business card at a networking event. Building a strong relationship with a mentor will broaden your network. 

4. Providing perspective and vision.
Part of your job as a leader is to focus on the big picture. But, it can be difficult to maintain perspective at a time of stress. A relatively minor setback can seem like an urgent crisis, whereas smaller problems left un-handled can have long-term negative effects on your business. A mentor can help you navigate through both types of circumstances by providing a fresh pair of eyes to evaluate and assess the situation and give you a nudge or two when necessary.

5. Focusing on the person not just the company.
As leaders you have a lot at stake when it comes to your business ventures. Everyone is looking at you to lead and it's not uncommon to lose yourself as you put the best interest of the company before your own. A mentor can help you take a step back and offer a chance to focus on you as an individual, which is essential for maintaining your sanity and your company's successful growth.

NCG, Inc is a privately owned marketing company. We specialize in client relations and brand building. Our job is to help the companies that we work with grow and expand through their target markets. For our people, we provide them with the tools and resources necessary to grow within our company and advance into management positions. To learn more about the career opportunities available, please visit our website:

NCG, Inc Reviews: How to Give Employee Appreciation!

NCG, Inc. Reviews: Employee Appreciation!

With the holiday season approaching, many people become nostalgic and reflect upon their lives and experiences. It should be no different in the workplace. There’s no better time of year to show appreciation and gratitude to the people around you that have contributed to the business. Showing appreciation should be shown all year round, not just within the holiday season. But, the end of the year is a great time to step up and show that gratitude. Here are 5 simple ways that you can say “thank you” to your people.

1. Give Thanks
Be sincere, sending out a personalized email even can go a long way. If you can find one special person about each member of your team and make it personal to that person. They’ll feel extremely appreciated. This can help people know that they’re not just numbers, but rather an important part of the workplace family and that you care about them individually.

2. Stage Appreciation Events
An easy way to show your people that you care is by having parties! The best parties allow your employees to include the families, friends, and significant others. This send a message that you care not only about your people but their entire families as well. It takes a village to run an awesome company. Every employee makes some sacrifice to be part of an organization and sometimes that expense is time that they can’t spend with their families. Say thanks with a company outing or a get together that celebrates your people, their families, and your organization!

3. Plan An Excursion
Organize a day off for your team. Ask them what they want or what would get them excited and then plan it. What better way to show you care than to listen to what your employees want and then to come through for them!

4. Send Personal Notes
Sending appreciation to a team member can be as simple as sending a note. It doesn’t have to be long it can just be a simple thank you. If you know that one of your team members is struggling with something you can even send them a book along with your note.

5. Help Your Staff Show Appreciation To Others
Make it easy for your staff to show their appreciation to their clients and extend a circle of gratitude that goes beyond the doors of your company.

NCG, Inc. is a privately owned marketing company that specializes in client relations and brand building. Our job is to help the companies that we work with grow and expand through their target markets. For our people, we offer full and paid training that will allow them to develop the skills necessary to advance in our company and move into a management position. To learn more about the career opportunities available, please visit our website:

Thursday, November 13, 2014

NCG, Inc Reviews: 7 Traits Entrepreneurs Display at Work!

NCG, Inc Reviews: 7 Traits Entrepreneurs Display at Work!

NCG, Inc is a privately owned marketing company. We specialize in client relations and brand building. Simply, our job is to help the clients that we work with grow and expand throughout their target markets. For our people, we provide full training within our company that offers an opportunity for advancement into management.

1. Loving their work.
Elite entrepreneurs are driven from a deep feeling within to do what they love. Their minds are consumed with creativity, adventure, and the desire to see what they envision come to life. Because these people love what they do, they experience gains such as personal satisfaction, financial abundance, security, and self-fulfillment. These rewards affect heir home life in positive ways.

2. Living with determination.
Successful business leaders deeply believe in their mission in life: they view themselves and the services they offer as necessary and helpful to the whole society. The emotional drive here won't get sidetracked or demotivated. These entrepreneurs believe so profoundly in what they do that they take every aspect of their business and personal life seriously. These individuals come across critics and naysayers, but their internal belief is unshaken. They press forward, inspiring others, including: family, friends, employees, and customers to be part of their cause. Everyone wins under their influence. 

3. Staying organized. 
Entrepreneurs know one of the master keys to success in life is being and staying organized. A business or family cannot be managed well without an organized system for its operation. Top entrepreneurs establish routines in an effort to keep heir minds operation rationally yet available for change and new possibilities. 

4. Creating positivity.
Top entrepreneurs are aware of their emotions and the emotions of others. There is clarity in how they motivate the people in their life. Top business leaders have clear and firm goals and know the key to motivating others emerges from their own attitude. The most successful are those who inspire others and who are flexible, open, and direct. Elite entrepreneurs do not sweat the small stuff. They look at detours as positive learning experiences and continue to motivate and reward hard work by following that motto themselves.

5. Building an elite business team.
Truly successful entrepreneurs are aware that their business is only as good as the people who run it. They have no ego involved in the realization that a successful team is not made of one player. Team members are treated as extensions and representatives of the product being sold. Top leaders in business know how to get team members on board and infuse them with passion. These entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for toxic team members and quickly dispose of them.

6. Investing in personal development.
The elite entrepreneurs are infatuated by personal and business development. They are in constant education mode, reading, buying books, journals, and self-help information. They take advantage of their resources and understand that it will improve their understanding of themselves, their work with others, their business, and their marketing skills. These people will collaborate with other professionals because they are totally engaged in personal development.

7. Enjoying life.
The temptation to work around the clock is very real for passionate people. But, ultra-successful entrepreneurs recognize this creates more loss than gain, especially in their personal life. Top business leaders are able to establish a regular work schedule and set aside time for family, friends, and vacations. Self-renewal is key. It maintains the balance needed to lead a successful enterprise. Top leaders know breaks are essential and necessary so that they can continue to fuel their business with passion and keep it alive and growing.

To learn more about career opportunities available within NCG, Inc. please visit our website:

Thursday, November 6, 2014

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 9 Ways To Save More Time!

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 9 Ways To Save More Time!

1. Do strategic planning.
Most people just take life one day at a time and then they wonder where the time went. Living reactively may take less brainpower, but it isn't always most productive. Whether you are in charge of a growing company or just your own future, you owe it to those affected to put some structure to your destiny.

2. Monitor your time. 
As business guru Tom Peters said: What gets measured gets done. If you measure the time you spend you can identify areas where you can adjust and improve. Try measuring your time for just a week or even a day. You'll be surprised where you find pockets of poorly used time that you can put to better use.

3. Prioritize your day.
So often people get lost working on projects with little importance or impact. Take a few minutes each morning to confirm with yourself that the projects you took on will actually have a positive impact on your life and the life of others. Then, you can rank them so the best projects get your valuable time. 

4. Time your phone calls.
Keep an eye on the clock and recognize how long you're spending on the phone and put limits on your conversations. It will help you stay on schedule and make you more effective when communicating.

5. Make a daily to-do list.
Without a list, it's easy to get pulled different directions throughout the day leaving you unfocused and unproductive. A simple list lets you concentrate and schedule your time effectively. It feels good to check things off as well as complete things.

6. Get a good nights sleep. 
Lack of rest equals lack of focus. If your sleep time is solid then you'll be better equipped to make the most of your awake time. Then you'll get more done, be more effective, and will help you relax t the end of the day which leads to a better sleep. It will turn into a positive cycle. 

7. Make your meals a social event.
Everyone has to eat and most people need social time to give their work brain a rest and feel more human. You may think you are saving time by having lunch from the vending machine. But, you really just add unnecessary stress which makes you perform poorly. Make your meals social, breakfast with family or lunch with colleagues. You don't have to take a long time, but 20 minutes of positive, social interaction will help your brain recharge and is good for you. 

8. Choose your companions carefully. 
Everyone has at least one time-sucker in his or her life. These people are stealing your time because you let them do it. Whether it is a friend or family member, you must take control. Limit their availability or cut them out completely. You can do more for them by ceasing to enable their behavior.

9. Give yourself 30 dedicated minutes each day.
Your day belongs to you. You may choose to give it to work, friends, TV or whatever. But, ultimately it is your time and you can choose how to use it. Instead of battling it, take control. Take 30 minutes each day to use on yourself in the best way possible so you can be your best self for others.

NCG, Inc. is a privately owned marketing company that specializes in client relations and brand building. Our job is to help the companies that we work with grow and expand throughout their target markets. For our people, we are committed to providing the training and development needed to give each employee the opportunity to advance within our company and the potential to achieve a management role. To learn more about the career opportunities available within our company please visit our website:

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 10 Productivity Tips For the Overwhelmed Entrepreneur!

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. Reviews:

10 Productivity Tips For The Overwhelmed Entrepreneur!

NCG, Inc. is a privately owned marketing company. We specialize in client relations and brand building. Our job is to help the companies that we work with grow and expand throughout their target markets. For our people, we are committed to giving them the tools and the resources they would need to find success within our company and be able to advance from within. So, a big focus for us is training our people on having an entrepreneur mindset. This helps people be self-motivated, goal oriented, and find their passion to reach their goals. But, sometimes the entrepreneurial mindset can drain someone. So, when we found this article we just had to share it with our people!

Monday, November 3, 2014

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 5 Evening Routines of Successful Entrepreneurs!

NCG, Inc. Reviews: 5 Evening Routines of Successful Entrepreneurs!

So many people are fascinated with the success of entrepreneurs, but really what separates them from the average person, is the productivity. We all find ourselves obsessing about finding ways to wake up earlier each day, but it's not always about optimizing your morning routine as it is what you do at night that's really important. So, NCG, Inc. decided to review the 5 tips that can help you master your evening schedule to make your tomorrow more high-energy and focused!