Northeast Consulting Group, Inc Reviews: 5 Ways to Not Get Burnt Out & Still Work Hard!
Northeast Consulting Group, Inc is a privately owned firm that specializes in direct marketing, brand building, public relations, and consulting for Fairfield County, Connecticut.
Want to still work hard, be successful, but not be stressed out and exhausted? Most of us do. Northeast Consulting Group, Inc found this article in Entrepreneur Magazine about how planning ahead and working smarter are the keys to keep you going without getting tired or frazzled.
1. Weigh the payoff of every task.
- Make sure the time you spend doing something aligns with your business goals
- Don't just do something to pass time, do something that is going to benefit your future within your company and be meaningful to your success
2. Learn to delegate!
- If you aren't using the people around you, START!
- If you're in a leadership role, the reason you have people working with you is for them to help lighten your load. The best leaders are the best delegators.
- Also, remember, you CAN'T control EVERYTHING
3. Rein in after-hours messaging.
- Lay some ground rules.
- Let your people know that you won't respond to weekend emails, texts, or phone calls that are business related until Sunday night.
- For most leaders, this is hard to resist, but it is important to have a work life balance and not let those areas cross over into one another.
4. Make time off non-negotiable.
- Reserve part of your weekend to unwind.
- Everyone needs a little bit of down time. Find something else that you're passionate about or makes you feel good to occupy your time and give you satisfaction outside of the workplace.
5. Leave some work on the table.
- The world WILL NOT slip off it's axis if you do not complete a low priority task before you leave.
- You can either have a business that is "complete" or you can have a business that is "growing" -- What would you rather have?
All in all, this article focused on the importance of giving yourself some free time and space. People are more productive when they work smarter and for less hours, than they are spending all of their time at the office for a 70 hour work week. Working 70 hours a week leaves an individual, their families, and friends unhappy. Unhappy people aren't productive. So, plan your week and reserve a little time for yourself, your family, your friends, and for what is really important in your life!