Wednesday, August 13, 2014

NCG, Inc. Reviews: How To Embrace Failure In Order To Become Successful!

NCG, Inc. offers a Management Development Program for our people to gain experience, provide personal and professional development, and to teach our people the skills they need to be successful. Part of the advancement process within our company is learning how to fail correctly and move forward. The people who advance within our company are able to see their so called failures in a different light that helps them learn the right things to do. So, when we came across this article from Forbes Magazine, we had to share it with our people.

“If you've never failed, you've never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was considered a failure from an early age. He didn't speak until he was almost 4 years old and didn't have fluent conversation until he was almost 12. Because of this, his teachers and family thought he wouldn't amount to much. As most of us know, Einstein proved all of these people wrong, however it didn't happen overnight. It took time, dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to fail – repeatedly. Those failures were what made it possible for him to achieve greatness and be remembered as he is today, a genius. Why was he able to achieve this? Because each time he failed, he used it as a lesson and moved forward.

Changing the way you view failure can help you move forward in life. It’s not always a bad thing. If you manage to learn, your failure can be the exact thing that propels you to find success.

Here are a few tips to help you start changing your mindset, today!

1. The only person you can control is yourself.
You might manage employees, but you certainly can’t control them. If you micro-manage them, you’re doing it wrong. Hire the best and most brilliant and get out of their way and let them do their job. If you’re a used to a controlling management style, this will probably be tough. But the sooner you can start letting go, the better off your people and your company will be.

Some people view failure as the ultimate loss of control. It isn't. You can’t control the weather, the market, or a bad campaign response. But, what you can control is your reaction to it. Instead of blowing a fuse or assigning blame, you can choose to take responsibility, learn from your mistakes, and make corrections going forward.

2. The only person who can help you is yourself.
Anyone else in your life will let you down at some point. This isn't a negative, its human nature. You will let down other people who count on you at some point too, no one is perfect. But, the only person you can count on 100 percent of the time is you. Once you realize that you’re the one in control of your own destiny, you can begin to make a significant change. It won’t be easy but it’s possible.

Start by realizing that everything is your fault, good or bad. If things go well, it’s your fault, so be happy! If things aren't going so good, it’s your fault. Take accountability, own up to it, and if it’s necessary, make changes.

3. You’re going to need GRIT.

“G” is for guts. Guts is the secret super power that allows you to overcome adversity and steer a course over, under, around, or straight though life’s many obstacles and challenges. Having guts is about living in the moment and doing things you’re afraid of right now. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, or even next year. It’s about being confident in your opinion, voicing that opinion, and not being afraid to disagree with people.

“R” is for resilience. Resilience allows us to bounce back from life’s defeats. It also allows you to enjoy the journey on the path to eventual success. The journey will take insatiable drive, the compulsion to create change, and to be the change. It will teach you to genuinely care about people, to care about the community around you, and to care about the impact that you will have on the future. Don’t limit yourself to what is immediately doable. Instead ask yourself, “What is possible?”

“I” is for initiative. Initiative is the entrepreneurial spirit that inspires us to act on our biggest ideas and build a life and career for ourselves. With initiative comes the risk of failure, which is why doing so well is worth it. Either it takes you forward into a new direction, or you fail and those failures take you in a new direction.

“T” is for tenacity. Tenacity ultimately determines how hard we fight for our dreams. Tenacity can be summed up as, “improvise, overcome, adapt,” regardless of the odds. You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t’ take. A tenacious person never has to say “would have,” “could have,” and “should have.” Don’t think too long about things, just go for it! To begin making real progress you need to learn where you’re most comfortable, most skilled, and most proficient. Then, move on and find the place where you feel the most uncomfortable, most uncertain, and the most unsure of yourself. That’s the first step. Get outside of your comfort zone. Because if you’re always comfortable, you’ll never grow. 

To learn more about the career opportunities available within NCG, Inc. please visit our website:

Monday, August 11, 2014

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. Reviews: 8 Leadership Mistakes That Others Made So You Don't Have To!

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. Reviews: 8 Leadership Mistakes That Others Made So You Don’t Have To!

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. offers a Management Development Program for the employees within our company. Throughout the course of someone’s training we expect them to make mistakes. However, when we saw this article about the mistakes of others we couldn't help but share it with our people. Wouldn't it be great if we could all take the coaching given to us and bypass the common mistakes that leaders tend to make on the path to their success?

Here are the Top 10 Mistakes you SHOULDN'T make!

1.       Setting a Tense Tone.
-          Stress and tension are no fun. How a leader chooses to show up every day is everything. Positive or negative, cordial or rude, your people will embrace “you” whether you intend them to or not.

2.       Getting Buried in Nonsense.
-          The best tasks are completed in a very simple and straightforward manner. Business execution requires a few processes and steps as possible to reach critical mass and to be effective.

3.       Trying to get too much done.
-          Newly appointed leaders tend to struggle on knowing how to lead. There is a difference between being “the man” and delegation. Successful leaders know how to train their people to lessen their workload and thus be more productive.

4.       Becoming the “anti-successor.”
-          Some leaders like to leave their own marks on a company’s history by erasing the former leader’s initiatives and accomplishments. Wanting to create value is one thing, but completely changing systems and structures that have been proven to work shows selfishness. Strong leaders aim to embrace and build.

5.       Forgetting what it’s all about. YOUR PEOPLE NOT THE PRODUCTS/SERVICES
-          A service exists because of the people behind it, the personalities that attract customers, the work ethic of the team, and the creativity that spurs a new day. If you want your business to flourish, you need to focus on how to attain, train, and retain talent.

6.       Not tolerating failure.
-          It was Mark Twain who said, “Good judgment is the result of experience. Experience is the result of bad judgment.” Failure can be, and should be, welcomed. Accepting failure is not the goal, but understanding the difference between what happened and what was supposed to happen are integral to learning and improvement.

7.       Talking about the past.
-          New leaders need to lead. Nobody wants to hear about yesterday. That’s over. Instead, people want to know that their fearless leader is going to create value for them. Focus on the future is essential. You can’t move forward if you’re always looking back.

8.       Keeping a lid on things.

-          The worst mistake a leader can make is thinking that they should have all the answers. Knowing everything isn't the job of a leader. A leader’s job is to encourage an environment that enables information to be shared. 

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. is a privately owned marketing company that specializes in brand building and public relations for our clients. Our job is to help the companies that we work with continue to grow and expand. Within our company, Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. is committed to proving our people with skills and development they would need to be successful within our company. To learn more about our employment opportunities here please visit our website:

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Northeast Consulting Group Reviews: 7 Tips for Success from Entrepreneurs!

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. Reviews: 7 Tips from Successful Entrepreneurs!

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. believes that providing development for our people both inside and outside of work. So we thought this article fit right in for what we do here within our company. Being an Entrepreneur is not for everyone. It takes a person who is willing to put in the hard work and perseverance to achieve a high level of success.

1.       Ryan Blair – CEO of ViSalus and #1 New York Times Best Selling Author of, “Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain.”
-          Even when you have everything to lose, act like you don’t. I used to have nothing to lose, but now that I have a lot to lose, I have a whole new perspective on this. Even after you’ve made it to the top, you still have to act like you have nothing to lose. Regardless of the amount of money a person has or the size of their company, or the amount of wealth they have—those people that take action and risk without the fear of failure are the ones that will ultimately take market share.”

2.       Nellie Akalp – CEO of CorpNet
-          Work toward being significant. If you want to have success, you can’t make success your goal. The key is to not worry about being successful, but instead work toward being significant—and the success will naturally flow. If you do the work that you love, and work that fulfills you, the rest will come. I truly believe that the reason I’ve been able to be so financially successful is because my focus has never, ever for one minute been money.”

3.       Trey Smith—founder of Kayabit Games
-          Seek and you shall find. There are thousands of clues even direct blueprints to make money if you know where to look. Find a successful company that is creating products or services that you are interested in and figure out HOW they are doing it. I use a process called reverse engineering to isolate two important factors: Their traffic and monetization. Where are they getting their people to see their products? How are they converting them into buyers? If you can answer these two questions with a systematic approach, you can start to build a business around it immediately.”

4.       Brian Sharples—Co-Founder of HomeAway
-          Love what you do. Choose something that is in line with your own personal interest and passion, then it never seems like work. Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s critical to spend the time early on hiring the right people. If you are disciplined in finding the best and brightest people who are also team players then management is easy. There is no substitute for talking directly to customers. Whether they are happy or upset about something, it feels great to connect with people who are using your products, because you immediately get a good sense for how to make it better.”

5.       Amber Schaub—Founder and CEO of
-          “Don’t let them intimidate you out of your dream. Work harder than everyone else—I may not be the most formally educated, the most financially set up, or even the smartest, but I will give them a run for their money when it comes to ambition and determination. It’s a bit cliché, but I always remember this quote: ‘Always go the extra mile, there’s a lot less traffic up there.’ Every expert was a newbie at one point—don’t let them intimidate you out of your dream. Learn as much as you can, as fast as you can. Ethics do matter—I don’t care what they say about, ‘it’s just business,’ the world comes full circle. Be competitive, but stay true to your beliefs and principals. It always comes back around eventually.”

6.       McWhinney Brothers – Chad and Troy McWhinney Founders of McWhinney Reality
-          “Focus on quality and execution. Hire exceptional people, make sure they feel valued and can work as a team. Work to achieve synergy (energy and alignment). Practice Kaizen (Japanese for ‘small improvement’ and ‘better’) everyday focus on getting a little bit better with the belief that over time outcomes become significant. Focus on expands and set outcomes that are bold, passionate, measurable, written, and positive. Worry less about growth and more about quality and execution. When you take care of your customers and exceed their expectations, growth and opportunity follow. Remember that success often comes to those who get in front of the inevitable.”

7.       Mike Byrnes—President of Byrnes Consulting LLC
-          “Be a thought leader. Based on my own experience, it pays to be a thought leader in your own industry. In today’s world, it is easy to publish your own information (including videos), but the traditional media outlets still carry a lot of weight. Get positive exposure and help others by sharing your expertise. By building up a following of strategic partners, good things will happen. On a side note, it pays to love what you do. Hard work and dedication can separate success stories from those that do not have their heart in it. As the old Confucius quote goes, ‘Find something you love to do and you will never have to work a day in your life.’”

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. is a privately owned marketing company that specializes in brand building and public relations for our clients. Our job is to help these companies grow and expand throughout their target markets. For our people, we are committed to providing the skills needed to provide our people with the opportunity for career advancement within our company. To learn more about the opportunities available within Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. please visit our website: